The House FXBG
Meet the Missioner
The Rev. Ethan Lowery (he/him) is an Episcopal priest and a native of Richmond who is very grateful to be back in the land of humidity and thunderstorms, if you can believe it. Ethan is a recent graduate of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley California where he completed a Master of Divinity and also a Master of Arts degree in the area of sociology of religion. His ministry interests include youth and summer camp and multi-generational ministries, preaching, and community organizing. Ethan was involved in his own campus ministry program at the College of William & Mary including serving as the student Senior Warden; his interest in young adult ministry is rooted in being a young adult and having experienced himself the Church not always knowing what to do with 20- and 30-somethings. In his free time, you'll find him sitting still, lying down, wasting time, poorly tending his plants, or replaying old Nintendo 64 games. You can be in touch with Ethan HERE.